The z-index
is a property used to control the ordering of layers in the document. Elements with a higher z-index
value appear above elements with lower values. Much like how the x and y axes on a page determine where an element placed horizontally and vertically, z-index
controls how they stacked on top of each other on the z-axis.
Key Takeaways
- The z-index property in CSS controls the stacking order of elements on a page, with higher values appearing above elements with lower values. It only works on elements with a position value of absolute, relative, or fixed.
- Stacking order can be controlled without moving an element from its original place on the page by setting position: relative without providing values for top, right, bottom, or left.
- Z-index values are resolved within their parent stacking context, causing elements with higher z-index values to still appear beneath others if their parent container has a lower z-index.
- To maintain organization and flexibility when dealing with multiple layers, it’s recommended to use increments of 100 for setting z-index values. This approach provides 99 potential values to pick from if a new layer needs to be added between two existing layers.
Default Stacking
When writing our HTML, elements that appear lower down in the document, naturally stack above elements further up.
<header class="site-header"></header>
<main class="site-content"></main>
<footer class="site-footer"></footer>
Given this snippet of HTML, the footer
would stack on top of the main content area which would stack on top of the header
if they were all positioned to overlap each other.
Elements can be overlapped by using a combination of position
properties and offset properties top
, right
, bottom
and left
If I set position: absolute
on each of these elements, they will all layout on top of each other. The footer
comes last in the document so by default stacks on top of the previous two elements.
.site-header, .site-content, .site-footer {
position: absolute;
width: 400px;
padding: 20px;
.site-header {top: 0; left: 0;}
.site-content {top: 50px; left: 50px;}
.site-footer {top: 100px; left: 100px;}
If I use the offset properties, top
and left
, we can see the order more clearly.
Stacking Context
Whilst using position: absolute
which creates elements that overlap each other, we’ve not yet created what’s known as a stacking context.
A stacking context is created in any of the following ways:
- an element with position
and az-index
value that’s notauto
- a flexbox item with
value that’s notauto
- an element with an
less than 1 - an element with
set to anything other thannone
By far the most common way of creating and using stacking context is the first example in this list so let’s focus on that for a minute.
Going back to the earlier example, we have three elements positioned on top of each other but currently, they do not have a z-index
The z-index
property allows us to control the order of the stacking.
If I set z-index: 1
on the footer
, z-index: 2
on the main
and z-index: 3
on the header
, the order of the default stack can be completely reversed.
This looks quite simple on the surface; the higher the z-index
the higher the element stacks – so a z-index: 9999
will always be on top of z-index: 9
. Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complex than that.
within stacking contexts
<header class="site-header blue">header</header>
<main class="site-content green">content
<div class="box yellow"></div>
<footer class="site-footer pink">footer</footer>
If I add a box inside of the site-content
container and position it just outside the bottom right corner, we can see that it is above the green box and below the pink box.
.box {
position: absolute;
bottom: -25px;
right: -25px;
z-index: 4; /* won't work :( */
width: 75px;
height: 75px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.site-header {top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1;}
.site-content {top: 50px; left: 50px;}
.site-footer {top: 100px; left: 100px; z-index: 3;}
Based on our knowledge of z-index
, we might think that to make this yellow box appear above the pink box, we can just set a higher value for z-index
If I set z-index: 4
, which is higher than z-index: 3
we see no change. It’s common for people to try and force the stacking by trying a really huge number like 9999
but doing this has no effect either. Seeing z-index
values like this peppered throughout a codebase is a bit of a code smell so try and avoid it if you can.
The reason that we’re not able to get the desired result of the yellow box on top of the pink box is due to how z-index
behaves within a stacking context.
In order to demonstrate this, let’s look at a slightly more involved example which I’ve borrowed from the MDN website.
<header class="site-header blue">
<code>position: relative;<br/>
z-index: 5;</code>
<main class="site-content pink">
<div class="box1 yellow">
<h1>Content box 1</h1>
<code>position: relative;<br/>
z-index: 6;</code>
<h1>Main content</h1>
<code>position: absolute;<br/>
z-index: 4;</code>
<div class="box2 yellow">
<h1>Content box 2</h1>
<code>position: relative;<br/>
z-index: 1;</code>
<div class="box3 yellow">
<h1>Content box 3</h1>
<code>position: absolute;<br/>
z-index: 3;</code>
<footer class="site-footer green">
<code>position: relative;<br/>
z-index: 2;</code>
.blue {background: hsla(190,81%,67%,0.8); color: #1c1c1c;}
.purple {background: hsla(261,100%,75%,0.8);}
.green {background: hsla(84,76%,53%,0.8); color: #1c1c1c;}
.yellow {background: hsla(61,59%,66%,0.8); color: #1c1c1c;}
.pink {background: hsla(329,58%,52%,0.8);}
header, footer, main, div {
position: relative;
border: 1px dashed #000;
h1 {
font: inherit;
font-weight: bold;
.site-header, .site-footer {
padding: 10px;
.site-header {
z-index: 5;
top: -30px;
margin-bottom: 210px;
.site-footer {
z-index: 2;
.site-content {
z-index: 4;
opacity: 1;
position: absolute;
top: 40px;
left: 180px;
width: 330px;
padding: 40px 20px 20px;
.box1 {
z-index: 6;
margin-bottom: 15px;
padding: 25px 10px 5px;
.box2 {
z-index: 1;
width: 400px;
margin-top: 15px;
padding: 5px 10px;
.box3 {
z-index: 3;
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 180px;
width: 150px;
height: 250px;
padding-top: 125px;
text-align: center;
Here we have a header
, footer
and main
container as before but inside the site-content
we have three boxes which have all been positioned and given a z-index
Let’s look at the three primary containers first – the header
, footer
and main
The header
has a z-index
of 5 so appears stacked above the main
which has z index: 4
. The footer
has a z-index
of 2 so appears below the main
with a higher z-index
of 4. All good so far? Good.
Things get a bit confusing with the three boxes inside of the main
Content box 1 has a z-index
of 6 but appears to be beneath the header
with a lower z-index
of 5.
Content box 2 has a z-index
of 1 but appears above the footer
which has a higher z-index
of 2.
So, what’s going on?
All of this can be explained by the fact that all z-index
values are resolved within their parent stacking context. Because the parent container .site-content
has a higher z-index
than the footer
, any positioned elements within the .site-content
are evaluated within that context.
A good way to think about stacking order within a stacking context is to this of it like a sub-item in a nested ordered list.
This could be written as follows:
- Header:
z-index: 5
- Main:
z-index: 4
- Box 1:
z-index: 4.6
- Box 2:
z-index: 4.1
- Box 3:
z-index: 4.3
- Box 1:
- Footer:
z-index: 2
So even though, the header
is z-index: 5
and content
box 1 is z-index: 6
, it’s rendering order is 4.6 which is still less than 5. As such, content
box 1 appears below the header
It’s a little confusing at first, but with practice, it does start to make sense!
only works for positioned elements
If you want to control the stacking order of elements, you can do so with z-index
. But z-index
will only take affect if the element also has a position
value of absolute
, relative
or fixed
Placing elements precisely with position is great for building up complex layouts or interesting UI patterns but it’s common to want to control stacking order without moving the element from its original place on the page.
If this is the case, you can just set position: relative
but not provide any values for top
, right
, bottom
or left
. The element will remain in its original place on the page, the document flow won’t be interrupted and z-index
values will take effect.
You can have negative z-index
Layering elements is often done to build up complex shapes or UI components. This often means layering elements on top of each other, with ever-increasing values of z-index
. To place an element on a layer below another one, it just has to have a lower value of z-index
but that lower value can be negative.
One area where this is useful is when using pseudo elements and wanting to position them behind the content of their parent element.
Due to the way stacking context works, a negative value of z-index
is needed on any :before
or :after
elements if they are to be positioned behind the text content of their parent element.
Take a look at the following Codepen and experiment with various values of z-index
Let’s wrap up with a simple strategy I use for applying z-index
throughout a project.
Earlier we used single digit increments for z-index
values but what if you wanted to add a new element between two that are set with z-index: 3
and z-index: 4
? You’d have to change a lot of values – possibly throughout an entire codebase which could become problematic and prone to CSS breaking on other parts of the site.
Use steps of 100 for setting z-index
When dealing with z-index
, it’s not uncommon to see code like this:
.modal {
z-index: 99999;
This just looks hacky to me (and only gets worse when appended with !important
). Seeing values like this is often symptomatic of a developer not understanding stacking context and trying to force one layer to be on top of another.
Instead of using arbitrary numbers like 9999
or 53
or 12
, we can systemise our z-index
scale and bring a bit more order to proceedings. This isn’t (just) because I have developer OCD. Honest.
Instead of using single digit increments for my z-index
, I use increments of 100.
.layer-one {z-index: 100;}
.layer-two {z-index: 200;}
.layer-three {z-index: 300;}
I do this to keep things organized, but also to be mindful of the numerous different layers being used throughout a project. Another benefit is that if a new layer needs to be added between two others, there are 99 potential values to pick from in between.
When building a z-index
system, this manual approach is pretty solid but can be made more flexible when combined with the powers of a pre-processor like Sass.
FAQs About z-index
in CSS
in CSS? z-index
is a CSS property that controls the stacking order of positioned elements on a web page. It determines which elements appear on top of others, especially when they overlap.
stacking context work? The z-index
property creates a stacking context. Elements within the same stacking context are stacked based on their z-index
values. Elements in a higher stacking context generally appear on top of elements in a lower stacking context.
property? The z-index
property takes integer values, including negative values. Elements with higher z-index
values appear on top of elements with lower values. If two elements have the same z-index
, their stacking order depends on their order in the HTML structure.
be applied to all HTML elements? The z-index
property only applies to positioned elements. That is elements with a position
value other than static
(the default). This includes elements with position: relative
, position: absolute
, position: fixed
, or position: sticky
? The stacking order is determined by the HTML source order by default. Elements that appear later in the HTML source are visually stacked on top of elements that appear earlier. However, using z-index
allows for explicit control over the stacking order.
? One limitation is that z-index
only affects the stacking order within the same stacking context. Understanding stacking contexts and their creation is crucial to avoiding unexpected behavior.
Front-end dev and teacher at The General Assembly London. A to Z CSS Screencaster, Founder of sapling.digital and Co-founder of The Food Rush.

Published in
·CSS·Design·Design & UX·HTML & CSS·Resources·Typography·UI Design·Web Fonts·June 9, 2016